It’s the week of Anniversary sessions on the blog!! We started the week with Michele + Tom celebrating 25 years + today, we have Eric + Stephanie celebrating 1 year!! I love these two differences in years — and the story told between them. It’s so beautiful to think about all that Eric + Stephanie will have experienced together, + the ways they will have grown, when they reach their own 25 year anniversary!! Ahhh, I love it : )
Before we introduce you to this couple, I have to share two really special things about this session. The first is that it is actually an anniversary session AND a maternity session because Eric + Stephanie are expecting their son, Zachary, this coming November!! The second reason this session is so special to us is because Stephanie is a fellow photographer who has become a dear friend of ours + truly, truly one of our biggest encouragers in our business journey! Words can’t describe how this girl has impacted us, + the ways she has brought endless joy, inspiration, + blessing to our lives!! Having the opportunity to photograph her + Eric (+ their fur baby, Gabby!) carries great weight + responsibility (in a good way!) because of all that this girl has given to us! Can’t wait for you to meet them : )
1. Where do you two live + what is one of your favorite things about your city?
Eric + I live in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. One of our favorite things about Pewaukee is that it is close to a ton of fast food restaurants. Eric + I HATE cooking. Like, truly hate it. Culver’s is our go to spot + I am convinced that they stopped sending us coupons because they knew we would go there regardless of if we have a coupon or not.
2. How did you two meet + how long have you been married?
It all started back in 2009. I walked into Abercrombie + Fitch to start my shift + was told that I would be working at the cash register for the day. After putting my things away, I walked towards the register + noticed this handsome guy standing behind it. I thought to myself, “Who is this? I have never seen him here!” (I would have definitely noticed him before). I was also thinking “Oh shoot, he is really cute. I somehow have to keep it together!” What we both didn’t know is that day would be the beginning of something special. That day would be the beginning of a lifetime love.
I walked over to him + introduced myself. He smiled, said “Hi”,+ told me his name was Eric. During our shift together, I couldn’t stop glancing over at him. He would sometimes catch me + that’s when I would just giggle + turn back to my screen to pretend that I was working (we all knew I wasn’t though because Eric had me in my own little world). He asked me why I was giggling + I just blushed + turned away. This guy had my heart racing. And in that short amount of time together, I knew he was everything that I have ever wanted.
Our shift was about to end + that’s when I looked over at him, giggled, + told him, “You know, you’re really cute.” Once I had realized what I had just said, my cheeks turned red + I anxiously waited for him to say something. That’s when he handed me his phone + asked me to put his number in. With my heart racing again, I put my number in his phone + asked for him to put his number in mine. He did, + then we smiled at each other + got ready to leave work.
That night I stared at my phone + waited for him to text me. I knew that there was some silly rule about how the girl should wait for the guy to text her. Well, after waiting, I decided I was going to break the rule + text him. I got a text back + smiled from ear to ear. That night, we began texting back + forth.
… That night, a lifetime long was about to begin. 7 years later + we’re still each other’s best friend + are about to celebrate our first year of marriage!!
3. Eric, what is one of your favorite things about Stephanie? Stephanie, what is what of your favorite things about Eric?
E: One of my favorite things about Stephanie is that she is very loving. She’s always there for me + always supports me.
S: One of my favorite things about Eric is that he has always been my biggest supporter. He encourages me to chase my dreams + is always there for me no matter what. He is my best friend + makes me a better person.
4. What has been a challenge of marriage that you weren’t necessarily expecting? How do you battle that challenge?
The biggest challenge in marriage for us has been football season. Steph is not the biggest fan of football so we have to sometimes compromise + tape a game so we can go out + have a date night instead of staying in + watching the games every Saturday.
5. What is one of your favorite things about marriage? What do you love about it?!
One of our favorite things about marriage is knowing that we get to spend the rest of our lives together. I love waking up each day to Eric laying next to me + knowing that he’ll always be there to support me in whatever challenges we may cross. It’s such a great feeling to know you have someone who loves you unconditionally + will be there for you in good times + in bad : )
Such a gorgeous location + couple!!!
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